
Showing posts from February, 2022

Favorite AWS Athena queries for ALB Logs stored in S3

What is the most visited page by the client and total traffic on my website? SELECT sum(received_bytes) as total_received, sum(sent_bytes) as total_sent, client_ip, count(client_ip) as client_requests, request_url FROM alb_logs GROUP BY client_ip, request_url ORDER BY total_sent desc; How long does it take to process requests on average? SELECT sum(request_processing_time) as request_pt, sum(target_processing_time) as target_pt, sum (response_processing_time) respone_pt, sum(request_processing_time + target_processing_time + response_processing_time) as total_pt, count(request_processing_time) as total_requests, sum(request_processing_time + target_processing_time + response_processing_time) / count(request_processing_time) as avg_pt, request_url, target_ip FROM alb_logs WHERE target_ip <> '' GROUP BY request_url, target_ip HAVING COUNT (request_processing_time) > 4 ORDER BY avg_pt desc; Which requests does the site doesn’t process? It’s usually some person ...